Why regular feedback is so important for remote teams

Managing a remote company or a remote team can be very rewarding. Remote workers tend to be happy workers. That makes things easy for everybody but not all is perfect and our job as managers is to detect any problem and act accordingly. But how can we know how happy our employees are?

Let's see some best practices to ensure we have a healthy and productive remote team.
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Get feedback and reward your coworkers directly from Slack

Slack is an amazing tool for communication. Like Happy Mood Score is perfect for teams with remote workers or distributed teams. We have integrated both tools so now you can use Happy Mood Score inside Slack.

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New API available

Many companies use their own intranets to interact with their employees. An external application can be hard to integrate into their daily routines and workflows.
This is why we have created a brand new version of our A.P.I. Now you can integrate our employee feedback and engagement app into your company’s tools. Read More…

Teams are here  -  New feature

Starting today you can create teams and group your employees into teams. All information can now be filtered by company, team or employee. Read More…

A metric to track how happy and engaged are your employees

If you are a team manager or work in the human resources department then you’ve asked yourself this question: How can I know how happy are my team members/employees? Read More…