Teams are here  -  New feature

Metrics can be filtered by company, team or employee.

It’s been, by far, the most requested feature in Happy Mood Score. Starting today you can create teams and group your employees into teams.

Now you have an extra layer of information because you can filter all the dashboards, metrics, trends and rankings by team.

You can see which teams have the lowest (or highest) HMS or involvement. Detect any problems and take measures to avoid problems with unhappy employees. There are no limits in the number of teams you can create.

Ranking of teams with lowest HMS

We hope you enjoy this new feature. As always if you have any comments, suggestions or doubts we are always happy to help:

Happy Mood Score is the perfect tool for companies with distributed teams, digital nomads or remote workers. Feedback, peer to peer rewards and ideas mixed into a powerful gamification engine that will help you to engage your employees, track their mood, detect problems and keep them happy.
Try Happy Mood Score now.